Thursday, November 03, 2005


Not much going on...Jen has started getting the house ready for the baby and company that will follow the arrival of alan michael into the world. as of Jen's last dr appointment (Mon/Tues) the baby had not dropped and there were no indications of anything happening we're onto the waiting game. Jen has done a great job in rescuing the house from the birthday and Halloween induced chaos...I have some work to do in the basement over the weekend to try and catch up and make everything presentable.

Did a nice job burning some steaks last night....first attempt were too rare for Jen, so I tossed them back on the grill...unfortunately I left the grills on high and ended up with blackened steaks...sorry honey...

I arrived home yesterday to a house full of napping females...was pretty funny seeing Danielle half on and off the couch...tried to take her picture, but she woke up and moved, so there goes the picture. Not much else to speak of....looking forward to the company from Jen's family next weekend (12-13th) so that will be tons of fun.

take care all.....mike


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